
About Creative Youth Agency

Creative Youth Agency ltd (CYA) is not your average youth organization. The key organizational ethic is for CYA to play a proactive role in creating opportunities for young people to unfold their full potential. As a non-profit organization, Creative Youth Agency Ltd intends to establish satellite offices in various peri-urban and rural areas in the various districts in Uganda.  

Long term goal is to actively contribute to eliminating all conditions eroding the youth, poverty and inequality, unemployment, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), gender inequality, domestic violence and child abuse.

The organization’s scope of work targets both historically disadvantaged communities in rural and peri-urban setting to act as an implementing agent on behalf of the government or its own target group as follows;

  • Homeless youth (living and working on streets)
  • Youth from poor households
  • Unemployed youth
  • Youth women
  • Youth with disabilities
  • Orphaned youth ( young women and men heading households
  • Youth at risk (young people living with HIV and AIDS and other communicable diseases)
  • Youth in rural areas


To enhance capabilities and innovation among the youth for personal and national development.


Improved quality of life for the young people, their communities and nation.


  1. To promote human capital development for improved productivity and production.
  2. To advocate for human rights among children, youth and women.
  3. To improve the quality of life among youth in sexual and reproductive health.
  4. To promote sustainable environmental conditions.
  5. To improve entrepreneurial skills and business performance for profitable and competitive business initiatives among youth.


  1.    Integrity
  2.    Empowerment
  3.   Creativity and Innovation
  4.  Transparency and Accountability
  5.  Professionalism and Excellence

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