Our Programs

Youth Entrepreneurship and Development Programs

Key elements in this program include the following activities:

  • Youth entrepreneurial skills education workshop
  • Schools  Youth Entrepreneurial workshops
  • Youth Small Business Monitoring program
  • Youth SMME incubation program
  • Youth SMMEs Exhibitions
  • Youth Entrepreneurs publication
  • After school support programs

Youth Skills Development and Career Preparedness

Key elements in this program include the following activities:

  • Careers Expos and Career Guidance Awareness activities
  • Career/ Professional Development activities
  • Skills Development/Training workshops

Young Women Development and Empowerment Programs

Key elements in this program include the following activities:

  • Young Mothers Development and Empowerment Initiatives
  • Young Women Future Leaders Development Initiatives
  • Income generating Initiatives for young women

Life Planning and Social Skills Development

Key elements in this program include:

  • Mind mobilization and personal change management
  • Life planning and social personal development
  • Positive lifestyle awareness and debating forum
  • HIV/AIDS education and awareness
  • Teenage pregnancy awareness and advocacy
  • Youth community work program

Environmental protection and water literacy

Key elements here include;

  • Integrated water resources development and management
  • Water resources assessment
  • Protection of water resources , water quality, and aquatic eco system
  • Water and sustainable urban development
  • Impact of climatic change on water resources.

For our programs to be efficient and effective, we decided to categorize the youth further.

Please read more about youth segmentation here