
When Creative Youth Agency approached me to meet and motivate children with burns like mine, I was very delighted. I hope my story can inspire other survivors especially children undergoing violence situations. In most cases, these children with non-accidental burns have no one to run to because they are under the custody of these perpetrators. Also, scalded children are usually bullied and discriminated in schools because of their scars. There are very few organisations to address such an issue and am glad that an organization like Creative Youth Agency has come up to address such a sensitive issue.

Aisha Nabukeera

I recently completed high school. Because of the long vacation, I decided to look for a job but it was all in vain. This is because most jobs I aspired required experience and a minimum of a degree which am yet to pursue. Creative Youth Agency availed opportunities for me at my level and I was able to take chances. I am now a volunteer and am glad for the exposure and experience am getting.


We are a group of 5 friends who had a culture of visiting and donating to babies’ homes and homes of needy children monthly during our days at the University. After graduating, we found it a little difficult to commit to the culture as we were geographically far from each other. We made an agreement to at least once in a month according to each other’s convenient time to get involved individually in a charity activity of one’s choosing. Seeing our own, Specy take an initiative to start up an organization in order to address the needs of children, women and youth at a broad perspective made us very proud. Representing NAKAWEESA GERALDINE JOLLY, MUTESI GLORIA AND ACHOLA BELINDA


I work with Creative Youth Agency in equipping young women especially young housewives with culinary skills and other skills to enable them to generate income from home. I commend the organization for working hard towards empowering young women.


I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration in 2018. Because of the career guidance I got from seminars conducted by Creative Youth Agency, I was able to get a job with one of the best audit firms in the country, PwC.

Orikiriza Agnes Kasigaire

I am a University student who is very passionate about African Fashion and Culture. Creative Youth Agency team came to our University and gave us a platform for exhibiting our talents through the Talent Exhibit and Competition. Am proud to say I was the winner of the competition. But had it not been for the organization, we would not have gotten a platform to showcase our talents.  Thank you Creative Youth Agency for igniting the sparkle within us.


On my birthday, Ms. Nakate the founder of Creative Youth Agency requested me to support children with disability, particularly on the Blind Children Project, as a way of thanking God for yet another year of my life. Honestly speaking, I had never experienced such a heartwarming time in my life! Am forever grateful to the organization that I discovered within me that there’s no greater happiness that can amount to the joy you get after giving selflessly!


Creative Youth Agency has potential for the capacity to follow through its mandate and stated objectives. One thing I have learnt from this organization is that there is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. Thank you Ms. Nakate for reaching out to the youth in the times we need support and guidance for the many challenges we face. “FOR THE YOUTH BY THE YOUTH”


We volunteered for Creative Youth Agency on the Waste Management Project particularly removing plastic from Lake Victoria. The Founder and Director, Ms. Nakate had so much passion and zeal for this project and her deeper understanding for the need to protect the environment made us so enthusiastic to all work towards environmental protection. Representing KIGGUNDU DOUGLAS DAVIS and KALULE SOFIE VICTORIA


I worked with Ms. Nakate on a project ‘FIGHTING AGAINST CHILD ABUSE.’ A 12 year old (names withheld) whose lips were burnt by the step mother when she was a 2weeks old baby had dropped out of school due to bullying. When I talked to Ms. Nakate about this matter she left all she was doing and took a bus from Kampala to Arua (a journey of 8hrs and 497.9km) to sensitize the school against bullying and need to embrace children with burns.  No wonder this child went back to school the following day and she is studying hard to become a doctor.